WiML Partner Event: Women in ML&AI @Cambridge Event with IBM Research
Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 4, 2018
03:00 pm — 06:00 pm
WiML is excited to announce a new initiative by WiML Partner IBM Research: a Women in ML and AI community for the Boston-Cambridge area. Starting with this inaugural event during IBM AI Research Week 2018, IBM Research will begin hosting events for Women in ML and AI in the Cambridge area. The goal is to encourage and support local women, especially students, post-docs, early career researchers and engineers, by offering seminars from thought-leading women in ML, opportunities to present their own research, and find mentors, role models and colleagues.
Join the kickoff event this Thurs 10/4. Speakers and activities include:
– Talks by Sasha Mojsilović (IBM Fellow, IBM Research AI) and Katherine Gorman (Talking Machines) on AI for social good and how to present your research.
– Panel “Next Steps and Great Leaps for AI and Us” with AI/ML experts from academia and industry: Jennifer Dy (Northeastern), Yiling Chen (Harvard), Vivienne Sze (MIT), Eni Mustafaraj (Wellesley), Janet Slifka (Janet Slifka), Kate Saenko (Boston U), Tina Eliassi-Rad (Northeastern), Sravana Reddy (Spotify)
– Mentoring Roundtables: Actively engage with AI/ML researchers and engineers on a range of technical and career-related topics.
When: Thursday, October 4, 2018, 3pm-6pm
Where: IBM Research Cambridge, 75 Binney St, First Floor Auditorium, Cambridge
Event details: https://ibm.co/2RiTPXQ
Registration: The event is open and free but registration is required at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/women-in-machine-learning-and-ai-cambridge-workshop-registration-50360270926
Organized by IBM Research. Questions? Contact Preethi Raghavan at praghav@us.ibm.com. Thanks to the organizers Lisa Amini (IBM Research), Preethi Raghavan (IBM Research), Amanda Papp (IBM), Ehimwenma Nosakhare (MIT). IBM Research is a WiML Platinum Partner.