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Do you have a list of members? How can I join WiML?WiML doesn’t have “members” per se, any women working in machine learning can be part of the WiML network. We have a mailing list for anyone to post announcements of interest to the WiML network and an opt-in, necessarily incomplete directory of women working in machine learning.
How can I join the WiML mailing list?Join the mailing list directly here.
What kind of events do you organize?Our flagship event is the annual WiML Workshop, typically co-located with NeurIPS, a machine learning conference. We also organize an “un-workshop” at ICML, as well as small events (e.g. lunches and receptions) at other machine learning conferences, such as CoRL, COLT, etc. Check out our events page for up-to-date listings of events.
Do you have local meetups?No, but check out WiMLDS (website, Twitter), another organization that supports women in machine learning by organizing local meetups.
How do I reach the WiML network?Use our mailing list.
How can I sponsor WiML?Thank you for your interest in sponsoring WiML! See this page for more information.
I am looking for an invited speaker/panelist/area chair/program committee member/ etc. Can WiML help me?Use our directory of women in machine learning or post this opportunity to our mailing list.
I want to circulate a job posting. Can WiML help me?Post directly to our mailing list.
How can I support WiML?You can: Post interesting opportunities and job postings to our mailing list. Use our directory of women in machine learning to find invited speakers, panelists, area chairs, program committee members, etc, or post these opportunities to our mailing list. Sponsor us. See this page for more information. Volunteer at one of our events. Check out our events page for up-to-date listings of events. Apply to be an area chair or reviewer at WiML Workshop (see this year’s workshop website for info). Take pictures at our events and share with us (tag @wimlworkshop on Twitter). If you see us mentioned in the media, send us a link at And many others!
How did WiML start? What's the founding story?Hanna Wallach, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan, Lisa Wainer, and Angela Yu shared a room at NIPS 2005. Late one night, they talked about how exciting it was that there were FOUR female students at NIPS that year. They tried to list all the women in machine learning they know of and got to 10, then started talking about creating a meeting or gathering for all these women and perhaps others that they didn’t know about. Jenn, Lisa, and Hanna put together a proposal for a session at the 2006 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing that would feature talks and posters by female researchers and students in machine learning. The 1st WiML workshop was co-located with the 2006 Grace Hopper Celeberation. In 2008, WiML Workshop moved to NIPS (renamed NeurIPS in 2018) and there has been a WiML Workshop at NeurIPS every year since. In 2020, WiML introduced an “un-workshop” at ICML based on the concept of an “un-conference”, a form of discussion on a pre-selected topic that is primarily driven by participants. Read more WiML history here!
I have a question that isn't here. How do I reach you?We receive a lot of email. Help us help you by reaching out through the appropriate channels. Job posting, announcement, CFP, etc: Post directly to WiML mailing list. Have event pictures to share: post on Twitter and tag @wimlworkshop Workshop enquiries: If you are a company interested in sponsoring WiML: Any other enquiries: If you email us, don’t cc multiple email addresses — this saves us time routing your email to one mailbox, and reduces the chances of your email getting lost. Thank you in advance!
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