16th Women in Machine Learning Workshop (WiML 2021)
The 16th WiML Workshop is co-located with virtual NeurIPS on Thursday, December 9th and Friday, December 10th, 2021.
Machine learning is one of the fastest growing areas of computer science research. Search engines, text mining, social media analytics, face recognition, DNA sequence analysis, speech and handwriting recognition, healthcare analytics are just some of the applications in which machine learning is routinely used.
In spite of the wide reach of machine learning and the variety of theory and applications, it covers, the percentage of female researchers is lower than in many other areas of computer science. Most women working in machine learning rarely get the chance to interact with other female researchers, making it easy to feel isolated and hard to find role models.
The annual Women in Machine Learning Workshop is the flagship event of Women in Machine Learning. This technical workshop gives female faculty, research scientists, and graduate students in the machine learning community an opportunity to meet, network and exchange ideas, participate in career-focused panel discussions with senior women in industry and academia and learn from each other. Underrepresented minorities and undergraduates interested in machine learning research are encouraged to attend. We welcome all genders; however, any formal presentations, i.e. talks and posters, are given by women. We strive to create an atmosphere in which participants feel comfortable to engage in technical and career-related conversations.
Now in its 16th year, the 2021 workshop is co-located virtually with NeurIPS.
Besides this un-workshop and annual workshop which is co-located with NeurIPS, Women in Machine Learning also organizes events such as lunch at ICML and AAAI conferences, maintains a public directory of women active in ML, profiles the research of women in ML, and maintains a list of resources for women working in ML.
Invited Speakers

This workshop will be virtual.
WiML Platform
This year WiML would be on GatherTown platform. For detailed instruction, please check: https://www.gather.town/
Thursday, December 9, 2021
WiML Workshop 1 (UTC time in 24 hour format)
2:00 – 3:00
Pre-Workshop Informal Social
3:00 – 3:20
Opening Remarks – WiML 2021 organizers
3:20 – 3:30
WiML D&I Chairs Remarks
3:30 – 4:15
Invited talk – Machine Learning as a Service: The Challenges of Serving diverse client Distributions, Sunita Sarawagi
4:15 – 4:40
Contributed talk #1 – Regret minimization in heavy-tailed bandits, Shubhada Agrawal
4:45 – 5:45
Poster Session #1
5:45 – 6:15
6:15 – 7:00
Invited talk – Learning physics models that generalize, Meire Fortunato
Friday, December 10, 2021
WiML Workshop 2 (UTC time in 24 hour format)
2:00 – 3:00
Speed Networking/Social
3:00 – 4:00
Social in Gather Town
4:00 – 5:05
Invited talk – The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Collaborative Research - The Masakhane Story, Jade Abbott, Perez Ogayo, Orevaoghene Ahia
5:05 – 5:30
Contributed talk #2 – Syntax-enhanced Dialogue Summarization, Seolhwa Lee
5:30 – 7:00
Social in Gather Town
WiML Workshop 3 (UTC time in 24 hour format)
10:00 – 11:00
Speed Networking/Social
11:00 – 12:45
Mentorship Roundtables I | Sponsor Expo
12:45 – 13:45
Poster Session #2 | Sponsor Expo
13:45 – 13:50
13:50 – 14:35
Invited talk – Seeing the unseen: Inferring unobserved information from limited sensory data, Adriana Romero-Soriano
14:35 – 15:00
Contributed talk #3 – Causal Meta-learning by Making Informative Interventions about the Functional Form Chentian Jiang
WiML Workshop 4 (UTC time in 24 hour format)
19:00 – 19:45
Invited talk – Trustworthy Machine Learning via Logic Inference, Bo Li
19:45 – 20:10
Contributed talk #4 – A Graph Perspective on Neural Network Dynamics Fatemeh Vahedian
20:10 – 20:15
20:15 – 21:55
Mentorship Roundtables II | Sponsor Expo
21:55 – 22:40
Panel Discussion: Career and Life
22:40 – 23:00
Closing Remarks
Call for Participation
WiML Workshop 2021 @ NeurIPS 16th Workshop for Women in Machine Learning
Submissions are now closed, but if you would like to participate as a volunteer, poster mentor, or social host, please apply here before November 5, 2021 to be considered!
The 16th Workshop for Women in Machine Learning (WiML) will be co-located with NeurIPS in December 2021 and will be held virtually. The workshop is a one-day event with invited speakers, oral and poster presentations. The event brings together members of the academic and industry research community for an opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. Underrepresented groups and undergraduates interested in pursuing machine learning research are encouraged to participate. There will be virtual mentorship sessions to discuss current research trends and career choices in machine learning. While all presenters will identify as a woman, nonbinary or gender non-conforming, members of all gender identities are invited to attend.
All submissions must abide by the WiML Code of Conduct.
Submission page: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/WiML2021
Registration funding and non-author participation application: here.
September 1, 2021 - Abstract submission opens on CMT
October 5, 11:59 pm AoE - Abstract submission deadline
October 20, 2021 - Notification of abstract acceptance
October 20, 2021 - Application for registration fee funding and volunteering opens
November 5, 2021 - Registration funding application deadline
November 12, 2021 - Registration funding notification
December 9-10, 2021 - WiML Workshop Day
We strongly encourage students, postdocs, and researchers in all areas of machine learning who identify as a woman, nonbinary or gender non-conforming to submit an abstract (1 page PDF) describing new, previously, or concurrently published research. We welcome abstract submissions in theory, methodology, as well as applications. While the presenting author need not be the first author of the work, we request that the presenting author be identifying as a woman, nonbinary or gender non-conforming.
Submissions will be reviewed in a double-blind setting. Authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to present their work in a virtual poster session. A few authors will be selected to give spotlight or oral presentations. There are no formal proceedings. Abstracts are non-archival: they may describe completed research or work-in-progress.
Please refer to the detailed Submission Instructions.
Registration to the NeurIPS virtual conference is required to participate in this year's WiML workshop. Registration fee funding for NeurIPS will be available for eligible WiML participants. To qualify, the participant must be a student, postdoc, or equivalent position (equivalent positions include unemployed recent grads and early career researchers from underrepresented regions or groups), and identify as a woman, nonbinary or gender non-conforming. Priority will be given to poster presenters, workshop volunteers, and first-time attendees of NeurIPS or similar conferences. Funding recipients must participate in the WiML Workshop as either a poster presenter or volunteer as outlined in the application.
Funding and volunteering application form: Please check starting October 20, 2021 for the application link, when it will be made ready. The application deadline is November 5, 2021.
We are seeking volunteers to help with technical setup and virtual technology testing before and during the event, e.g., letting people into Zoom rooms, poster mentors etc. You can indicate if you can help in any way in the application form.
We will also consider internet and equipment subsidies for the purpose of attending the workshop. Equipment may include headphones, microphones, funding to cover internet access, and anything else that might facilitate participation in the workshop. Please see the funding and volunteering application form for details.
Questions? Check out the FAQs (https://wimlworkshop.org/faq/) or reach us at workshop@wimlworkshop.org